Renovation of classic Mercedes cars in the Legends car body shop.

Fire, sparks and crackle of formed sheet metal. This is the first stage of renovating classic Mercedes cars in the Legends car body shop. See our "sculptors" in action, as they restore original condition of car bodies, in accordance with the practices and methods typical for a given model

Every car is different.

Even when analysing cars of the same model and production year, there are no two identical cars. Cars are treated differently during their lives. They operate in different climatic conditions, on roads treated with salt in winter, or in coastal areas. Each of them needs individual treatment, due to their unique condition.


We know that renovation carried out according the highest standards is an important and multi-stage process, so we start the work by disassembling the car into its first parts. In our modern workshops in Golęczewo, we make a detailed inventory of disassembled parts, dividing them into the following categories, depending on their wear and tear:

  • parts requiring regeneration,
  • parts requiring reconstruction,
  • brand new parts.

Jak przebiega renowacja w Legends Duda-Cars?

How do you renovate Legends cars?

Renovation of Legends is a multi-stage process conducted in line with the highest applicable standards. 

We begin our work by disassembling the car into individual parts at our modern workshop in Golęczewo. After taking a detailed inventory, we assign parts depending on their state of wear and tear to the following categories:


  • parts suitable for renovation,
  • parts that require reconstruction,
  • factory-new parts.

In the next few steps, the body is cleaned and sent to the Legends sheet metal department to undergo some time-consuming works. After the sheet metal work has been completed, the bodywork is transferred to the specialised Legends paint shop. At the same time, the mechanical teams renovate suspension components, rebuild the drivetrain, engine and transmission components. Another team ensures the right condition of interior elements and car accessories.

After several months of works completed by dedicated teams, an exemplary Mercedes is created, which does not differ from the original vehicle that came out of the Mercedes factory years earlier. For all stages of the renovation, the car owner is provided with extensive photographic documentation and an ability to monitor progress of the renovation works online.

Car body shop

When the bodywork is stripped of all equipment and interior fittings, the car body is cleaned and begins its long in the Legends car body shop. After cleaning, the car body reveals all its secrets, flaws and shortcomings, but this is not a problem for our specialists. With their knowledge, experience, technology and, above all, support of specialists, we are able not only to repair, but also recreate a body element damaged by corrosion. Having the factory documentation of a given model and a frame that serves as a model, we can recreate even the frame structure of the car, maintaining the standards and processes used in its production.

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Paint shop

When the work in the car body department is completed, the body is taken over by Legends paint specialists. Painting a vehicle requires not only a wide selection of painting products, but also a dust-free cabin and a preparation zone - something obligatory for every professional paint shop Decontamination, degreasing, securing, surface levelling, evaporation and seasoning are long-term processes that require precision.

When the car body is ready to be painted in a dust-free cab, the paints and technology are selected and approved. Then the colour is applied, according to the palette chosen by the vehicle owner.


Simultaneously to the preparation and painting processes, the mechanical departments renovate the suspension components and restore elements of the drive system, engine and transmission system.


The interiors of classic Mercedes cars are works of applied art, just like the iconic and trend-setting silhouettes of these vehicles. A separate team takes care of the correct condition of the interior and accessories of the renovated car.

We will make sure that the chrome, wooden or leather elements of the interior look like they have left the workshops in Mercedes-Benz factories.

Comprehensive service

What are the benefits of ordering our services for your car?

With our comprehensive approach you don't have to worry about anything.

  • We will pick up your classic car from the indicated place before starting the entire renovation process.
  • During the entire renovation, you will have access to the work progress reports.
  • After we complete the work, your car will undergo a series of tests to ensure that you can fully enjoy your "new" vehicle.
  • Finally, we will deliver your restored, classic car to the place you choose, along with all the documentation.

Do you have a special request? We treat each renovation task individually and we will be happy to fulfil your needs and requirements

Completion of the process

After a few months of work carried out by our dedicated teams, your Mercedes will be ready, looking identical as the brand-new original. For all stages of renovation, the car owner receives a rich photographic documentation and has the opportunity to monitor the renovation works online.

Nasze przykładowe realizacje

Naszą chlubą są zakończone projekty, które dowodzą naszego zaangażowania i pasji do klasycznych Mercedesów. Od klasycznych roadsterów po limuzyny – każdy model Mercedes-Benz, niezależnie od wieku i stopnia zużycia, może odzyskać swój dawny blask w naszych rękach. Nie boimy się pracy z najbardziej wymagającymi przypadkami – udokumentowane renowacje pokazują, że żadna skala trudności nie jest dla nas przeszkodą. Prezentujemy wybrane projekty, które najlepiej obrazują naszą dbałość o szczegóły oraz efekty wielogodzinnej pracy nad każdym elementem pojazdu. Zobacz, jak przekształcamy auta, które na nowo stają się ikonami stylu i inżynierii.



Mercedes-Benz 190SL


Mercedes-Benz 280 SL Pagoda

Obejrzyj filmy z renowacji

Chociaż zdjęcia mówią wiele, nic nie oddaje efektu naszych renowacji tak, jak zobaczenie tych samochodów w ruchu. Zapraszamy do obejrzenia filmów, które prezentują w pełnej okazałości odrestaurowane przez nas klasyczne Mercedesy. Każdy film to nie tylko dowód na naszą dbałość o szczegóły, ale także okazja, by zobaczyć, jak te piękne auta zyskały nowe życie. Od wykończonego lakieru po idealnie funkcjonującą mechanikę – te projekty są naszą dumą i świetnym przykładem tego, co potrafimy. 

Mercedes-Benz W111


Mercedes-Benz 190SL

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